Uitgelicht en gespot op internet (week 20, 2022)
Hierbij ontvangt u een nieuwe uitgave van het supplement ‘Uitgelicht en gespot op internet‘, met een overzicht van nieuws en andere berichten die de afgelopen weken zijn gespot op het internet.
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‘Uitgelicht en gespot op internet‘ is een supplement van de ‘Nieuwsbrief voor Goede Onderzoekspraktijken‘.
Algemene verordening gegevensbescherming (AVG), Uitvoeringswet Algemene verordening gegevensbescherming (UAVG)
Centrale Commissie Mensgebonden Onderzoek (CCMO)
Clinical trials
- Outcomes and endpoints in clinical trials supporting the marketing authorisation of treatments in paediatric acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (18-05-2022). Drug Discovery Today.
- Study: Novel drug approvals in 2020 continue trend of fewer preapproval pivotal trials, surrogate endpoints (17-05-2022). Regulatory Focus.
- Trials using deferred consent in the emergency setting: a systematic review and narrative synthesis of stakeholders’ attitudes (16-05-2022). Trials.
- AI in clinical trial adherence and retention: is it a Pandora’s box? (13-05-2022). Clinical Trials Arena.
- Association of Quality-of-Life Outcomes in Cancer Drug Trials With Survival Outcomes and Drug Class. JAMA Oncol. 2022 Apr 28:e220864. doi: 10.1001/jamaoncol.2022.0864. Epub ahead of print.
- RADIAL Country selection process (2022). Trials@Home.
Clinical trial registries, Clinical trial results reporting
- Why did clinical trial registries fail to prevent Covid research chaos? (17-05-2022). TranspariMED.
- Clinical Trial Registration Patterns and Changes in Primary Outcomes of Randomized Clinical Trials From 2002 to 2017. JAMA Intern Med. Published online May 16, 2022.
- New report documents rampant research waste in Covid trials (14-05-2022). TranspariMED.
Clinical Trials Transformation Initiative (CTTI)
Commissie Regelgeving Onderzoek
Diversiteit, Representativiteit
- Why “Participant Voice and Experience” Matters in Clinical Research (mei 2022). DIA Global Forum.
- New Requirements for Lay Language Summaries of Clinical Trials Are Here—Are You Prepared? (mei 2022). DIA Global Forum.
- Nature journals raise the bar on sex and gender reporting in research (18-05-2022). Nature.
- New report urges more clinical trial diversity, recommends incentives (18-05-2022). Regulatory Focus.
- National Academies report cites ‘urgent’ need to recruit more diverse participants for clinical trials (17-05-2022). STAT.
- Nothing about Us without Us: Inclusion and IRB Review of Mental Health Research Protocols (11-05-2022). Ethics & Human Research.
Dutch Clinical Research Foundation (DCRF)
EU Digital Health Policy
- EU Digital Health Policy: European Commission launches European Health Data Space (19-05-2022). BioSlice Blog, Arnold & Porter.
- Your health data can help scientific research. But how will it be protected? (19-05-2022). Euronews.
- Impact EU-voorstel op wet elektronische gegevensuitwisseling in de zorg (19-05-2022). Ministerie van VWS.
European Medicines Agency (EMA), Good Clinical Practice
- Clinical Trials Regulation: progress on implementation (20-05-2022).
- Key performance indicators (KPIs) to monitor the European clinical trials environment (20-05-2022).
- Annual Report of the Good Clinical Practice Inspectors’ Working Group 2020 (20-05-2022).
- Reflection paper on data required in confirmatory studies of medicinal products for the treatment of type 2 diabetes – Revision 2 (20-05-2022).
- Synchron Research Service: suspension of medicines over flawed studies (20-05-2022).
Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR) data
- Selection of data sets for FAIRification in drug discovery and development: Which, why, and how? (17-05-2022). Drug Discovery Today.
- European Commission report on FAIR data highlights ELIXIR (13-05-2022). Elixir.
History of Clinical Trials
- The evolution of clinical trials: Can we address the challenges of the future? (16-02-2018). Clinical Trials.
- Evolution of Clinical Trials throughout History (2017). Marshall Journal of Medicine: Vol. 3: Iss. 1, Article 9
- Evolution of clinical research: A history before and beyond james lind. Perspect Clin Res [serial online] 2010 [cited 2022 May 22];1:6-10.
International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE)
Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)
- International Clinical Trials Day (20-05-2022). Blog MedRegs.
- Guidance – Notify the MHRA about a clinical investigation for a medical device (updated 19-05-2022: Added section for “Study deviations” and related XLS)
Open Science and Intellectual Property Rights
- Replication, bias, and meta-research in animal cognition research (11-05-2022). Farrar, Benjamin.
- Transforming the health research system: Embedding patient engagement in decision-making (17-12-2021). Lidewy Eva Vat.
Rathenau Instituut
- Society and synthetic cells. A position paper by the Future Panel on Synthetic Life (26-04-2022).
- Society and synthetic cells – A position paper by the Future Panel on Synthetic Life. The Hague: Rathenau Instituut.
Real World Evidence (RWE)
Technische Universiteit Delft
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), National Institutes of Health (NIH)
- FDA updates guidance on evaluating out-of-specification results for drugs (18-05-2022). Regulatory Focus.
- FDA Offers Advice on Human Radiolabeled Mass Balance Studies (16-05-2022). WCG CenterWatch.
- FDA works to advance real-world data collection in pregnancy and lactation (16-05-2022). Regulatory Focus.
- NIH Should Create an Office of Autoimmune Disease Research, Says New Report (10-05-2022). National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.
- Automated Research Workflows Are Speeding Pace of Scientific Discovery; New Report Offers Recommendations to Advance Their Development (10-05-2022). National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.
Vereniging Innovatieve Geneesmiddelen
- Blog Erwin Vermeulen: World Clinical Trial Day (17-05-2021).
- Sofie Boutkan (NKI): ‘Passende behandeling voor elke patiënt’ (17-05-2021).
- Lidewij Vat: ‘Patiëntenparticipatie als het nieuwe normaal’ (16-05-2021).
Overige berichten
- Drug Discovery Today, Volume 27, Issue 6, Pages 1531-1784 , June 2022.
- DIA Global Forum – Driving Insights to Action (May 2022).
- Weekend reads: Dogs removed from controversial research facility; ‘an unacceptable idea’; ‘blind spots on western blots’ (21-05-2022). Retraction Watch.
- Failed to properly register your trial? Just use a different study’s number. Actually, don’t (20-05-2022). Retraction Watch.
- Universiteit openbaart alsnog zeven frauduleuze artikelen van Colzato (18-05-2022). Mare.
- Artificial intelligence in virtual screening: models versus experiments (18-05-2022). Drug Discovery Today.
- Overplaying N=1 in the stem cell therapy world (17-05-2022). The Niche.
- Pivot into COVID-19 research eases as publishing surge starts to level off (17-05-2022). Science.
- FDA, EMA officials discuss impediments to cell and gene therapies (17-05-2022). Regulatory Focus.
- Ethical microbiome research with Indigenous communities (16-05-2022). Nature Microbiology.
- Use Data and Details to Convince Site Leadership to Add Staff (16-05-2022). WCG CenterWatch.
- Europe PMC: Harnessing the power of text mining to accelerate life sciences research (12-05-2022). EMBL.
- Two kinds of embryo research: four case examples (09-05-2022). Journal of Medical Ethics.
- Blind spots on western blots: a meta-research study highlighting opportunities to improve figures and methods reporting (13-05-2022). bioRxiv.
- How to Reduce Errors and Improve Transparency by Using More Precise Citations (29-04-2022). Front. Cardiovasc. Med.
- European patent protection for medical uses of known products and drug repurposing. Nat Biotechnol. 2022 Apr;40(4):465-471.
- A new taxonomy was developed for overlap across ‘overviews of systematic reviews’: A meta-research study of research waste (19-12-2021). Research Synthesis Methods.