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Meer nieuws en actualiteiten:
- Alternatief nieuwsoverzicht
- Archief Nieuwsbrief voor Goede Onderzoekspraktijken
- Uitgelicht & Gespot op internet
- Ook werknemers apotheken Achterhoek gaan staken
- FDA Adds Warning About Rare Occurrence of Serious Liver Injury with Use of Veozah (fezolinetant) for Hot Flashes Due to Menopause. Stop Medicine if Signs and Symptoms of Liver Injury Occur - Drug Safety Communication
- Drug Safety Communications
- FDA adds warning about rare occurrence of serious liver injury with use of Veozah (fezolinetant) for hot flashes due to menopause
- Impactful EU Clinical Trial Regulation Changes
- Roster of the Cellular, Tissue and Gene Therapies Advisory Committee
- Kabinet belooft ‘zachte landing bij controle schijnzelfstandigheid’
- EASD 2024: Innovent shows off mazdutide’s efficacy in diabetes and obesity
- Guidance Development and Regulatory Assessment of Generic Topical and Dermal Drug Products - 10/03/2024
- Clinical Pharmacology Guidances Advancing Drug Development and Regulatory Assessment | Role and Opportunities - 05/08/2024
- FDA Authorizes First Over-the-Counter Hearing Aid Software
- Upcoming EL-PFDD Meetings
- Condition-Specific Meeting Reports and Other Information Related to Patients' Experience
- Surrey Police show a “lack of seriousness about their obligations” as ICO issues enforcement notice over FOI failures
- Vilans en TU Eindhoven werken nauwer samen op gebied van digitale zorg
- Nieuw lid raad van toezicht bij PFZW
- Nieuw hoofd Onderzoek bij Dimence Groep
- Digitale consulten verbeteren zorg bij hartfalen
- Wie wordt de Opinieleider in de Zorg 2024?
- CVRx touts positive two-year data for heart failure neuromodulation device
- A New Regulatory Road in Clinical Trials: Digital Twins
- First Generic Drug Approvals
- Emergency Use Authorizations for Drugs and Non-Vaccine Biological Products
- Recently Issued Guidance Documents
- Join FDA for the First National Hispanic/Latino Family Cancer Awareness Week, Sept. 20-26
- Application Submissions Guidances
- Agema is voorlopig niet van plan eenheid van taal te verplichten
- FTC Issues Final Rule on Reviews and Testimonials
- Grote vraag bij ziekenhuizen naar hoogopgeleide planners
- California Passes Digital Replica Legislation as Congress Considers Federal Approach
- EUHPP Training Tuesdays (2/5): Would you like to co-organise a webinar with the EU Health Policy Platform management team? Register to this training (17 September, 11.00)
- ‘Stealth corrections’: when journals quietly fix papers
- Back to School for Graduate Studies in Clinical Research: A Snapshot of U.S. Programs
- The RW Daily: Penn State prof earns second retraction, faces third following university probe. And Francesca Gino's defamation claims dismissed.
- Eupraxia reports positive data from eosinophilic esophagitis treatment trial
- Deadline extended to 30 September 2024 - Call for expressions of interest to appoint Representatives of Patients’ Organisations and Healthcare professionals for EMA PRAC
- Vaxxas launches Phase I trial for H7N9 influenza vaccine
- AI Adoption for Clinical Trial Design, Planning
- Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats: A Comprehensive SWOT Analysis of AI and Human Expertise in Peer Review
- EASD 2024: A COMBINEd approach for better diabetes management
- GSK’s Phase I/II herpes simplex vaccine trial misses primary endpoint
- Regioplatform Noord-Holland versnelt digitalisering
- Sanofi’s Phase III CSU treatment trial meets endpoints
- Graz – Budapest – Europe: A documentary journey through the European biobanking landscape
- How the Covid-19 pandemic will help researchers with the mpox emergency
- Zilveren Kruis tegen werkgevers: ‘Zet gezondheid op één’
- Stoptober komt er aan: start nu het gesprek over stoppen met roken
- Investering PFZW in app voor persoonlijke ouderenzorg
- Jurriaan Penders benoemd als nieuwe voorzitter KNMG