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Meer nieuws en actualiteiten:
- Alternatief nieuwsoverzicht
- Archief Nieuwsbrief voor Goede Onderzoekspraktijken
- Uitgelicht & Gespot op internet
- Can a Technology Reboot Help Sites, Sponsors, Patients, and Others Talk Seamlessly?
- Roster of the Cellular, Tissue and Gene Therapies Advisory Committee
- Thimerosal and Vaccines
- Sage slaps more than 100 papers from one journal with expressions of concern
- Zai Labs announces positive results in China arm of Phase III cervical cancer trial
- Office of Prescription Drug Promotion (OPDP) Metrics
- Drug Trials Snapshot: TRYNGOLZA
- FDA Rare Disease Innovation Hub
- Drug Trials Snapshot: COBENFY
- JP Morgan 2025: Jazz Pharmaceuticals focusing on oncological pipeline
- JP Morgan 2025: Jazz Pharmaceuticals focusing on oncology pipeline
- Toename van griepmeldingen, epidemie in zicht
- Verdachte aangehouden voor explosie ziekenhuis Beverwijk
- Studenten boos om uitblijven loon bij stages in umc’s
- Personeel apotheken gaat opnieuw staken
- Five Predictions That Will Drive R&D Effectiveness in 2025
- Streamlining Protocol Development Timelines
- Health Fraud Scams
- Umary and Related Products
- Volunteering decreases odds of depression in community dwellers
- Vaccines
- Context doses first subject in Phase I cancer trial of CTIM-76
- Study Shows ePRO Monitoring System Enhances Patient-Centered Care with Improved Communication, Treatment Clarity
- Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA)
- Invloed verpleegkundigen gering bij impactanalyses nieuwe volumenormen voor kanker
- 2023 Warning Letters - Health Fraud
- Generic Drug Facilities, Sites and Organization Lists
- Frequently Asked Questions on The Orange Book
- Anders werken in de ouderenzorg: innovatie en zelfredzaamheid centraal
- FDA Proposes Significant Step Toward Reducing Nicotine to Minimally or Nonaddictive Level in Cigarettes and Certain Other Combusted Tobacco Products
- Laboratory Information Bulletins
- What’s New for Biologics
- Blood Guidances
- Recommendations to Reduce the Risk of Transfusion-Transmitted Malaria
- Public Webinar: FDA Review of Biologics License Applications for Blood and Source Plasma - 02/19/2025
- EuropaBio’s Vision for a Bold EU Biotech Act
- FDA-AACR Workshop: To Test or Not to Test – That is the Question: DPD Deficiency and Weighing Potential Harms - 01/16/2025
- Branchevereniging van zorg-ict-organisaties benoemt nieuw bestuurslid
- New Work Types
- Drug Compliance Programs
- Draft standardisation request amending implementing decision C(2023)3215 on a standardisation request to the European Committee for Standardisation and the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardisation in support of Union policy on artificial intelligence
- Meer aandacht nodig voor persoonsgerichte zorg in de huisartsenpraktijk
- Search for Pharmaceutical Quality Documents
- The African Union Development Agency - New Partnership for Africa's Development (AUDA-NEPAD) becomes a new PIC/S Associated Partner Organisation
- FDA Drug Competition Action Plan
- The Political ramifications of the UK’s economic travails
- Sling Therapeutics sees success reducing eye bulge in Phase IIb/III trial
- The RW Daily: Why journals should cite sleuths in retraction notices. And sociologist Cornelia Koppetsch loses professorship for plagiarism.
- WHO reports eight deaths from suspected Marburg outbreak in Tanzania
- Pheno Therapeutics gains UK MHRA’s CTA for multiple sclerosis therapy trial