Uitgelicht en gespot op internet (week 52, 2021)
Hierbij weer een overzicht van artikelen en berichten die de afgelopen week zijn gespot op het internet.
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Algemene verordening gegevensbescherming (AVG)
Centrale Commissie Dierproeven (CCD)
Clinical trials
- De-risking Clinical Trials: The BIAL Phase I Trial in Foresight (28-12-2021). Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics.
- Leave me out: Patients’ characteristics and reasons for opting out of a pragmatic clinical trial involving medication adherence (23-12-2021). Medicine.
- 11 clinical trials that will shape medicine in 2022 (10-12-2021). Nature Medicine.
- How can behavioural science help us design better trials? (4-12-2021). Trials.
- Good Clinical Trials by removing defensive interpretation of Good Clinical Practice guidelines (03-05-2021). British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology.
Drug development
Dutch Association of Research Quality Assurance (DARQA)
European Medicines Agency (EMA)
Inspectie Gezondheidszorg en Jeugd (IGJ)
Door de COVID-19 pandemie is de inspectieplanning voor 2020 en 2021 aangepast. De uitgevoerde inspecties klinisch onderzoek hadden met name betrekking op onderzoek dat gericht was op het behandelen of het voorkomen van COVID-19. Daarnaast heeft IGJ tijdens deze pandemie geregeld contact gehad met veldpartijen over de organisatie en de uitvoering van medisch-wetenschappelijk onderzoek met mensen. In deze periode is informatie over hoe met klinisch onderzoek om te gaan op de website van IGJ gepubliceerd. In 2022 zullen dit type inspecties deels worden voortgezet.
bron: Inspectiefocus en -resultaten klinisch onderzoek, IGJ website.
Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)
Nationaal Comité advies dierproevenbeleid (NCad)
Overige berichten
- Weekend reads: A Russian paper mill under an X-ray; AI and doctored images; COVID-19 vaccine paper earns scrutiny (31-12-2021). Retraction Watch.
- 2021: A review of the year’s 3,200 retractions (30-12-2021). Retraction Watch.
- Neonates and COVID-19: state of the art (28-12-2021). Pediatric Research.
- Findings from probe into ‘shocking’ NSW university training program laid bare (26-12-2021). News.com.au.
- A systematic approach to the disclosure of genomic findings in clinical practice and research: a proposed framework with colored matrix and decision-making pathways (25-12-2021). BMC Medical Ethics.
- The Ethical Implications of Big Data Research in Public Health: “Big Data Ethics by Design” in the UK-REACH Study (22-12-2021). Ethics & Human Research.
- PGOsupport: ‘Succesvolle patiëntenparticipatie doe je samen’ (12-12-2021). PGOsupport.
- Touchscreen-based finger tapping: Repeatability and configuration effects on tapping performance. PLoS ONE 16(12): e0260783.
- When scientists gave 1,000 vulnerable people hepatitis over 30 years (29-11-2021). Nature.
- Good Science at Heart Lessons on Ethics from Big Data Research in Sudden Cardiac Arrest (19-11-2021). Universiteit van Amsterdam.
- Artificial intelligence in clinical and translational science: Successes, challenges and opportunities (27-10-2021). Clinical and Translational Science.
- Predatory publishers’ latest scam: bootlegged and rebranded papers (26-10-2021). Nature.
- Selective outcome reporting and the effectiveness of psychotherapies for depression (09-09-2021). World Psychiatry.
- How philosophy is making me a better scientist (23-04-2021). Nature.
- A randomized trial of an editorial intervention to reduce spin in the abstract’s conclusion of manuscripts showed no significant effect (februari 2021). Journal of Clinical Epidemiology.
- Risk-management and rule-compliance: Decision-making in hazardous industries (februari 2011). Safety Science.
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