Uitgelicht en gespot op internet (week 22, 2021)
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AVG, Bescherming persoonsgegevens, Brexit, Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC)
- Wet elektronische gegevensuitwisseling in de zorg
- Standard contractual clauses for international transfers (4 juni 2021). European Commission.
- EC publiceert standaard verwerkersovereenkomst en modelcontracten internationale uitwisseling persoonsgegevens (4 juni 2021). Dirkzwager.
- The European Commission issues Schrems II-proof Standard Contractual Clauses to allow global dataflows (4 juni 2021). Hogan Lovells.
- More safeguards in revamped EU data transfer tools, EU justice chief says (2 juni 2021). Reuters.
- De toekomst van datasolidariteit en onderzoek met zorgdata (27 mei 2021). Rathenau Instituut.
- Rapport Datasolidariteit voor gezondheid (3 december 2020). Rathenau Instituut.
- Burgers beter beschermen in de keten van DNA-data (25 mei 2021). Rathenau Instituut.
- Rapport Waardevol gebruik van menselijke DNA-data (25 mei 2021). Rathenau Instituut.
- The Data Protection’s Impact Assessment tool on healthcare research and innovation projects now available in Spanish and English (10 mei 2021). TIC Salut Social.
- Terugkijken: Tweede Stokvislezing ‘Iedereen in de Biobank? De ethiek van weefsel- en dataonderzoek’. Prof. dr. Annelien Bredenoord (22 april 2021), via YouTube.
- Researchers seek contact with Dutch biobanks to explore and compare policies (5 juni 2021). BBMRI.nl.
- Ethical Aspects of Brain Organoid Research in News Reports: An Exploratory Descriptive Analysis (27 mei 2021). Medicina.
Centrale Commissie Dierproeven (CCD)
Centrale Commissie Mensgebonden Onderzoek (CCMO)
College ter Beoordeling Geneesmiddelen (CBG)
Dierexperimenteel onderzoek
Dutch Clinical Research Foundation (DCFR), remote source data verificatie (rSDV)
- De DKWO-werkgroep heeft een positiedocument opgesteld waarin het pleit voor het toestaan van remote source data verificatie (rSDV) (4 juni 2021).
- Positiedocument ‘Remote Source Data Verificatie (rSDV)’ Dutch Clinical Research Foundation (DCRF). Werkgroep Digitalisering Klinisch-Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (DKWO) (Versie 1.0).
European Medicines Agency (EMA)
- Data Analysis and Real World Interrogation Network (DARWIN EU)
- Advancing international collaboration on COVID-19 real-world evidence and observational studies (4 juni 2021).
- EMA and EUnetHTA take stock of their cooperation (1 juni 2021).
ICH E6 Good Clinical Practice (GCP), International Council for Harmonisation (ICH)
- Terugkijken – Meetings ICH E6 Guideline for Good Clinical Practice – Update on Progress (18 – 19 mei 2021). CTTI.
Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen (KNAW)
- Data voor onderzoek beter opslaan en delen: stel wetenschappers centraal (27 mei 2021). KNAW.
- Storing and sharing data for research more effectively: Putting scientists first (27 mei 2021).
- New KNAW report: researcher’s needs should be central to FAIR data development (3 juni 2021). DANS.
Medische hulpmiddelen
Science Europe
- Developing blockbuster drugs: both nature and nurture (8 juni 2021). Nature Reviews Drug Discovery.
- Exclusive: Six years after a misconduct investigation, more than half of suspect papers remain unflagged (3 juni 2021). Retraction Watch.
- Machine learning is booming in medicine. It’s also facing a credibility crisis (2 juni 2021). STAT.
- Guest Post — The 10,000-watt Bulb: How Preprints Shine a Light on Misconduct (2 juni 2021). The Scholary Kitchen.
- Is rapid scientific publication also high quality? Bibliometric analysis of highly disseminated COVID-19 research papers (1 juni 2021). Learned Publishing.
- Setting ethical limits on human gene editing after the fall of the somatic/germline barrier (1 juni 2021). PNAS.
- Stakeholders’ perspectives on research integrity training practices: a qualitative study (28 mei 2021). BMC Medical Ethics.
- Accelerated approvals under the microscope (19 mei 2021). Nature Reviews Drug Discovery.
- Ethical issues concerning a pay-to-participate stem cell study (19 mei 2021). Stem Cells Translational Medicine.
- COVID-19 impact on oncology clinical trials: a 1-year analysis (17 mei 2021). Nature Reviews Drug Discovery.
- ENABLE: an engine for European antibacterial drug discovery and development (4 mei 2021). Nature Reviews Drug Discovery.
- The public do not understand logarithmic graphs used to portray COVID-19 (19 mei 2020). LSE.
- Retention to clinical trials: how can we keep participants involved? (16 mei 2018, updated 10 mei 2021). Evidently Cochrane.
- The scandal of poor medical research
- Medical research—still a scandal (14 januari 2014). The BMJ Opinion.
- Remembering Doug Altman (9 juli 2018). Blog, BMJ Open Science.
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