Uitgelicht en gespot op internet (week 53, 2020)
Hierbij een nieuw overzicht van nieuwsberichten die de afgelopen weken zijn gespot op het internet.
- Brexit, Situatie vanaf 1 januari 2021. Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens.
- Vrije data-uitwisseling met de Britten nog onzeker (31 december 2020). Computable.
- The EU-UK Agreement and the implications for life sciences companies (30 december 2020). BioSlice Blog, Arnold & Porter.
- The Privacy Impact of the New Brexit Deal (30 december 2020). LexBlog.
- Brexit Updated: Interim Deal Reached on EU-UK Data Transfers (29 december 2020). LexBlog.
- ICO statement in response to UK Government’s announcement on the extended period for personal data flows, that will allow time to complete the adequacy process (28 december 2020). Information Commissioner’s Office.
- EU-UK data flows, adequacy and regulatory changes from 1st January 2021 (28 december 2020). Eleonor Duhs, via LinkedIn.
- The Brexit ‘deal’ – what’s (not) in it for the medical devices industry? (28 december 2020). Medicaldeviceslegal.
Centrale Commissie Mensgebonden Onderzoek (CCMO)
- Opinie: aan nieuw coronavaccin-onderzoek kleven ethische bezwaren (30 december 2020). De Volkskrant.
- List of retracted COVID-19 papers grows past 70 (30 december 2020). Retraction Watch.
- The curious immunology behind the UK’s surprise AstraZeneca dosing plan (30 december 2020). Endpoints News.
- Covid-19: Should vaccine trials be unblinded? (29 december 2020). BMJ.
- Updates: vaccins en medicijnen tegen het coronavirus. College ter Beoordeling van Geneesmiddelen.
- COVID-19 vaccines: key facts. European Medicines Agency.
Overige berichten
- Data Integrity in Global Clinical Trials: Discussions From Joint US Food and Drug Administration and UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency Good Clinical Practice Workshop (20 januari 2021). Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics.
- Yet another spectacular failure of peer review (19 oktober 2020). Richard Smith’s non-medical blogs.
- Plain Language Summaries – Keeping the End in Mind: Key Considerations for Creating Plain Language Summaries. PRA Health Sciences.
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