Uitgelicht en gespot op internet (week 46, 2020)
Een verzameling van nieuwsberichten die de afgelopen weken zijn gespot op het internet:
Clinical Trials Transformation Initiative
- Recording Now Available: CTTI Releases New Resources for Adoption of a Quality by Design Approach (13 november 2020).
- New CTTI Project Aims to Improve Clinical Evidence with Practical Approaches for Embedding Trials Into Health Care Settings (27 oktober 2020).
- Pfizer says placebo patients will eventually get its Covid-19 vaccine. The question of when is complicated (12 november 2020). STAT.
- Incident zorgt voor maand vertraging coronavaccin Janssen (12 november 2020). Skipr.
- Guidance on minimising disruptions to the conduct and integrity of clinical trials of medicines during COVID-19 (11 november 2020). Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency.
- Building resilience into clinical trial design and conduct during the pandemic (11 november 2020). Blog MHRA Inspectorate.
- How to spot good Covid-19 vaccine trials results when you see them (10 november 2020). STAT.
- The story of mRNA: How a once-dismissed idea became a leading technology in the Covid vaccine race (10 november 2020). STAT.
- Met opzet besmet voor onderzoek (9 november 2020). NTvG.
- Risico’s bij besmettingsstudies zijn nu nog te groot (4 november 2020). NRC.
- Nuffield Council on Bioethics responds to announcement of UK human challenge trials (20 oktober 2020).
- Producing and using timely comparative evidence on drugs: lessons from clinical trials for covid-19 (16 oktober 2020). BMJ.
- Characteristics and Strength of Evidence of COVID-19 Studies Registered on ClinicalTrials.gov (oktober 2020). JAMA Internal Medicine.
- Managing uncertainty: Regulatory reporting in multinational trials during COVID-19 (13 juli 2020). Regulatory Focus.
eClinical Forum
European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP)
EU-US Privacy Shield, Shrems II
- European Data Protection Board (EDPB)
- Recommendations 01/2020 on measures that supplement transfer tools to ensure compliance with the EU level of protection of personal data (10 november 2020).
- EDPB Publishes Draft Recommendations on Supplementary Measures for Data Transfers (12 november 2020). LexBlog.
- EDPB adopts recommendations on international data transfers following Schrems II decision (12 november 2020). LexBlog.
- EDPB Adopts Recommendations on Supplementary Measures for Data Transfers Following Schrems II Decision (12 november 2020). LexBlog.
- Aanbevelingen EDPB voor doorgifte persoonsgegevens naar derde landen (13 november 2020). ICT Recht.
- European Commission
- European data export bonanza: revised SCCs and EDPB Schrems II guidance published (13 november 2020). LexBlog.
- Dataexport in beweging: aanbevelingen voor doorgifte data na Schrems II (EDPB) én publicatie nieuwe modelcontractbepalingen (EC) (13 november 2020). Dirkzwager.
- Data Transfers Post Schrems-II: Draft EDPB Recommendations and New SCCs Now Available (13 november 2020). TrustArc.
Global Alliance for Genomics and Health
Monitoring, remote source data verification
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
- Enhancing the Diversity of Clinical Trial Populations — Eligibility Criteria, Enrollment Practices, and Trial Designs Guidance for Industry (November 2020).
- FDA offers strategies to streamline schizophrenia drug trials (11 november 2020). Regulatory Focus.
Overige berichten
- De ondoorzichtige wereld achter de corona-wattenstaaf (13 novembr 2020). NOS.
- Censored patients in Kaplan–Meier plots of cancer drugs: An empirical analysis of data sharing (december 2020). European Journal of Cancer.
- Public attitudes toward an authorization for contact program for clinical research (5 november 2020). Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association.
- First do no harm: An exploration of researchers’ ethics of conduct in Big Data behavioral studies (5 november 2020). PLoS ONE.
- Streamlined approval of biosimilars: moving on from the confirmatory efficacy trial (november 2020). Drug Discovery Today.
- Research fraud: a long-term problem exacerbated by the clamour for research grants (28 oktober 2020). Quality in Higher Education.
- Why is uploading clinical trial results onto trial registries so important? (24 april 2019).
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