Uitgelicht en gespot op internet (week 1 & 2)
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Vincent Bontrop
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Uitgelicht & Gespot op Internet
Algemene verordening gegevensbescherming, Privacy
- Onderzoek AP over gebruik gezondheidsgegevens voor kwaliteitsonderzoek GGZ (31 december 2019). SOLV.
- Rather than be an asset, health data can quickly become a liability (30 december 2019). Healthcare IT News.
- Creating an Environment for Sustainable Biobanking in the Netherlands: Perspectives and Challenges of Dutch Biobank Users (November 2019). BBMRI-NL.
- Australian biobank repatriates hundreds of ‘legacy’ Indigenous blood samples (23 december 2019). Nature.
Cancer Drug Development Forum
Clinical trial results reporting, Protocols & publications
- Clinical trial reporting bias Italy (10 januari 2020). TranspariMED.
- Five misconceptions about clinical trial reporting in Germany – and the way ahead (9 januari 2020). TranspariMED.
- Pressure grows on German regulators and universities to make clinical trial results public (7 januari 2020). TranspariMED.
- UK Health Research Authority: Putting patient interests last (5 januari 2020). TranspariMED.
- Comparison between protocols and publications for prognostic and predictive cancer biomarker studies (5 januari 2020). Clinical Trials.
- NIH Online Tool Strengthens Protocol Collaboration (3 januari 2020). CenterWatch.
- Meta-analysis study indicates we publish more positive results (29 december 2019). Ars technica.
Clinical research
- Key indicators of phase transition for clinical trials through machine learning (8 januari 2020). Drug Discovery Today.
- Effective delivery of Complex Innovative Design (CID) cancer trials—A consensus statement (6 januari 2020). British Journal of Cancer.
- Effective delivery of Complex Innovative Design (CID) cancer trials—A consensus statement (6 januari 2020). British Journal of Cancer.
- Cluster randomised trials with different numbers of measurements at baseline and endline: Sample size and optimal allocation (3 januari 2020). Clinical Trials.
- Benefit, burden, and impact for a cohort of post-approval cancer combination trials (3 januari 2020). Clinical Trials.
- Ethics and Collateral Findings in Pragmatic Clinical Trials (2 januari 2020). The American Journal of Bioethics.
- Misrepresenting “Usual Care” in Research: An Ethical and Scientific Error (2 januari 2020). The American Journal of Bioethics.
- Multiplicity in oncology randomised controlled trials: a threat to medical evidence? (1 december 2019). The Lancet Oncology.
Federaal Agentschap voor Geneesmiddelen en Gezondheidsproducten
Gentherapie, Human genome editing
- The Gene Drive Dilemma: We Can Alter Entire Species, but Should We? (8 januari 2020). The New York Times.
- Transcending Borders in the Ethical Oversight of Human Genome Editing (8 januari 2020). The Hastings Center.
- Lijst met vragen aan minister over de voortgang bij het oplossen van knelpunten gentherapie gepubliceerd (7 januari 2020). Nieuwsbrief voor Goede Onderzoekspraktijken nr. 104.
- Chinese Bioethicists: He Jiankui’s Crime is More than Illegal Medical Practice (4 januari 2020). The Hastings Center.
- The Consent Form in the Chinese CRISPR Study: In Search of Ethical Gene Editing (3 januari 2020). Journal of Bioethical Inquiry.
- What CRISPR-baby prison sentences mean for research (3 januari 2020). Nature.
- He Jiankui is going to jail. Would the U.S. criminally prosecute a rogue gene-editing researcher? (31 december 2019). STAT.
- Chinese Scientist Who Genetically Edited Babies Gets 3 Years in Prison (30 december 2019). The New York Times.
- Chinese scientist who produced genetically altered babies sentenced to 3 years in jail (30 december 2019). Science.
- Regulating germline editing in assisted reproductive technology: An EU cross‐disciplinary perspective (26 december 2019). Bioethics.
Global Alliance for Genomics and Health
- Genomics and Health News for December 30, 2019 (6 januari 2020).
- GA4GH GDPR Brief: “At least one” legal basis for processing under the GDPR: clarifying Article 6(1) (6 januari 2020)
International Committee of Medical Journal Editors
Medische Hulpmiddelen
- Finnish Medicines Agency Takes Over Device Regulation (6 januari 2020). Regulatory Focus.
- New Guidance Targets Device Cybersecurity Under MDR, IVDR (6 januari 2020). Regulatory Focus.
- What You Need to Know About the New ISO 14155 Standard (5 januari 2019). Maria Nyåkern, via LinkedIn.
- Recruitment of trial participants through electronic medical record patient portal messaging: A pilot study (4 januari 2020). Clinical Trials.
- Trial marketing in the Pan-Canadian Early Detection of Lung Cancer Study (2 januari 2020). Clinical Trials.
Overig nieuws
- Journal of Clinical Research Best Practices, January 2020.
- Novartis CEO Who Wanted To Bring Tech Into Pharma Now Explains Why It’s So Hard (16 januari 2020). Forbes.
- European Life Science Research at a Human Scale (10 januari 2020). Applied Clinical Trials.
- Science is broken! Bring on the data thugs (10 januari 2020). Patreon.
- EMA Recommends Fewer New and Orphan Drugs in 2019 (9 januari 2020). Regulatory Focus.
- Check for publication integrity before misconduct (7 januari 2020). Nature.
- ‘Against all odds’: The inside story of how scientists across three continents produced an Ebola vaccine (7 januari 2020). STAT.
- Ethics in research issues (6 januari 2020). EuroScientist.
- More Bucks, Less Bang, in Pharma Research (2 januari 2020). Applied Clinical Trials.
- Stolen Research: Chinese Scientist Is Accused of Smuggling Lab Samples (31 december 2019). The New York Times.
- A bioethicist says scientists owe clinical trial volunteers support (30 december 2019). Science News.
- We’re on the verge of AI developed drugs becoming a reality (30 december 2019). Wired.
- Ethical concerns with the use of intelligent assistive technology: findings from a qualitative study with professional stakeholders (19 december 2019). BMC Medical Ethics.
Recent verschenen
- Nieuwsbrief voor Goede Onderzoekspraktijken nr. 104 (7 januari 2020)
- Overzicht bijeenkomsten & consultaties (5 Januari 2020)
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