Uitgelicht en gespot op internet (week 41, 42 & 43)
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Vincent Bontrop
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Uitgelicht & Gespot op Internet
Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products, GCP
- Guideline on Good Clinical Practice for Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products gepubliceerd (22 oktober 2019). Nieuwsbrief voor Goede Onderzoekspraktijken nr. 99.
- Latest Updates on Good Clinical Practice for Advanced Therapies in the EU (24 oktober 2019). BioSlice Blog, Arnold & Porter.
- Horses for courses: an approach to the qualification of clinical trial sites and investigators in ATMPs (16 oktober 2019). Drug Discovery Today.
- Focused stakeholders consultation on revised draft PIC/S GMP Guide Annex 2A (Manufacture of Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products for Human Use) and Annex 2B (Manufacture of Biological Medicinal Substances and Products for Human Use) (september 2019). PIC/S.
Algemene verordening gegevensbescherming
- Wie gluren er allemaal in mijn medische dossier? (25 oktober 2019). NRC.
- Minister Bruins: misvattingen over privacyregels belemmeren academisch-medisch onderzoek (9 oktober 2019). Loyens & Loeff.
- Medical Research Council Advises on How to Anonymise Information for Research Purposes (16 oktober 2019). LexBlog.
Belgian Association of Research Ethics Committees
Biobanken, Organoïden
- Engaging research ethics committees to develop an ethics and governance framework for best practices in genomic research and biobanking in Africa: the H3Africa model (18 oktober 2019). BMC Medical Ethics.
- Broad consent for biobanks is best – provided it is also deep (15 oktober 2019). BMC Medical Ethics.
- Data in question: A survey of European biobank professionals on ethical, legal and societal challenges of biobank research. PLOS ONE 14(9): e0221496.
- Chemorespons testen op organoïden (11 oktober 2019). Medisch Contact.
Centrale Commissie Mensgebonden Onderzoek
Clinical trials
- Ethics of Pay-to-Play Trials: SACHRP Recommendations (21 oktober 2019). CenterWatch.
- Trials Need Collaboration, Not Competition, Expert Says (14 oktober 2019). CenterWatch.
- Virtual Trial vs. Personal Touch: Is There a Happy Medium? (12 oktober 2019). CenterWatch.
- How big is the need for cross-border access to clinical trials? (Guest blog) (10 oktober 2019). EFPIA.
- Innovative Medicines Initiative Launches ‘Trials@Home’ (8 oktober 2019). PR Newswire.
- Do randomised controlled trials relevant to pharmacy meet best practice standards for quality conduct and reporting? A systematic review (1 oktober 2019). International Journal of Pharmacy Practice.
Clinical trial results reporting
- UK parliament to grill universities over missing clinical trial results (25 oktober 2019). TranspariMED.
- UK universities and NHS trusts that flout the rules on clinical trials identified in report to Parliament (24 oktober 2019). All Trials.
- How to get all clinical trials registered and reported – national monitoring explained in five slides (22 oktober 2019). TranspariMED.
- Frequency and format of clinical trial results dissemination to patients: a survey of authors of trials indexed in PubMed (21 oktober 2019). BMJ Open.
- If I upload the results of my clinical trial onto a registry, will that endanger journal publication? The answer is a loud and clear “No” (16 oktober 2019). TranspariMED.
- Here’s how EMA can make clinical trial results reporting easier for universities (15 oktober 2019). TranspariMED.
- UK universities and NHS trusts that flout the rules on clinical trials identified in report to Parliament (14 oktober 2019). Sense about Science.
- What is the best way to improve clinical trial reporting? Set up a helpline, researchers say (12 oktober 2019). TranspariMED.
- Canada’s Decision To Make Public More Clinical Trial Data Puts Pressure On FDA (11 oktober 2019). NPR.
- Improving dissemination of study results: perspectives of individuals with cystic fibrosis (10 oktober 2019). Research Ethics.
- Canada Opens the Door to Public Scrutiny of Clinical Drug Trials (10 oktober 2019). Undark.
- Tips, tricks and tools for universities struggling to get all their clinical trials reported (1 oktober 2019). TranspariMED.
Data management, Data integrity, Repositories
- Two Competing Visions for Research Data Sharing (14 oktober 2019). The Scholary Kitchen.
- A Code Glitch May Have Caused Errors In More Than 100 Published Studies (10 oktober 2019). Vice.
- Ook in EASY: datasets over psychische gezondheid (7 oktober 2019). DANS.
Dierexperimenteel onderzoek
- Met de juiste vraag heb je geen proefdier nodig (24 oktober 2019). ScienceGuide.
- A Belmont Report for Animals? (4 oktober 2019). Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics.
Dutch Clinical Research Foundation
Dutch Techcentre for Life Sciences
European Medicines Agency
- Infographic 1000 GCP inspection.
- EMA tracking tool: relocation to Amsterdam Main milestones (updated 22 oktober 2019).
- European Network of Paediatric Research at EMA elects new chair (14 oktober 2019).
Electronic source direct data capture
EU Clinical Trials Regulation EU No 536/2014, ECTR
- CCMO update stand van zaken EU-portal geneesmiddelenonderzoek ECTR (22 oktober 2019). Nieuwsbrief voor Goede Onderzoekspraktijken nr. 99.
- Site suitability form tbv. ECTR toegevoegd aan Volume 10 (Clinical trials guidelines) van EudraLex (22 oktober 2019). Nieuwsbrief voor Goede Onderzoekspraktijken nr. 99.
- DCRF Academie en ECTR E-learning gelanceerd (22 oktober 2019). Nieuwsbrief voor Goede Onderzoekspraktijken nr. 99.
Gentherapie, GGO, Germline editing
- Patient-Customized Oligonucleotide Therapy for a Rare Genetic Disease (24 oktober 2019). NEJM.
- Embattled Russian scientist sharpens plans to create gene-edited babies (21 oktober 2019). Science.
- Deaf couple may edit embryo’s DNA to correct hearing mutation (21 oktober 2019). Science.
- Kamerbrief over medische toepassingen biotechnologie (14 oktober 2019). Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat.
- Toespraak van minister Van Nieuwenhuizen bij opening COGEM Symposium in Den Haag (10 oktober 2019). Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat.
- Minister Van Nieuwenhuizen pleit voor toekomstbestendige regelgeving (15 oktober 2019). HollandBIO.
- In gesprek over het aanpassen van erfelijk DNA van embryo’s (2 oktober 2019). Rathenau Instituut.
Medische hulpmiddelen
- DCRF wil in januari 2020 een MDR start-bijeenkomst organiseren en doet oproep tot deelname (22 oktober 2019). Nieuwsbrief voor Goede Onderzoekspraktijken nr. 99.
- CCMO vraagt aandacht voor EC call of interest voor deelname aan de expertpanels medische hulpmiddelen (22 oktober 2019). Nieuwsbrief voor Goede Onderzoekspraktijken nr. 99.
- Europese Commisie zoekt experten medische hulpmiddelen en medische hulpmiddelen voor in-vitrodiagnostiek (7 oktober 2019). FAGG.
- EMA: Questions & Answers on Implementation of the Medical Devices and In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices Regulations ((EU) 2017/745 and (EU) 2017/746) (21 oktober 2019, Rev.1).
- Klinisch voordeel van medische hulpmiddelen (18 oktober 2019). Quality Business Suport Blog.
- The revision of ISO 14155 is available (10 oktober 2019). Helene Quie, via LinkedIn.
- A new version of ISO 14155: What to expect (31 maart 2019). Medical Device Clinical.
- A medical device companies practical guide to the PMCF requirements of the EU MDR (2 oktober 2019). Smart-Trial Blog.
Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency
- Inaugural GCP Laboratories Stakeholder Engagement Meeting (StEM) (25 oktober 2019).
- Round Table: The impact of Electronic Health Records on UK Clinical Trials (8 oktober 2019).
NHS Health Research Authority
- Public involvement and ethical review – a blog by Jim Elliott (24 oktober 2019).
- Streamlining clinical research – a blog by Dr Janet Messer (16 oktober 2019).
Niet WMO onderzoek
Pediatrisch onderzoek
- Model PIF en bespreekblad voor minderjarigen beschikbaar via CCMO website (22 oktober 2019). Nieuwsbrief voor Goede Onderzoekspraktijken nr. 99.
- FDA’s research guidance will help take guesswork out of drug dosing in newborns (1 oktober 2019). STAT.
Patient involvement,
- Patient involvement in cardiovascular research: a qualitative impact evaluation (December 2019). Research Involvement and Engagement.
- Clinical Trials are Boring (25 oktober 2019). Kai Langel, via LinkedIn.
- Informal professionalization of healthy participants in phase I clinical trials in Russia (24 oktober 2019). Clinical Trials.
- Older Patients (Still) Left Out of Cancer Clinical Trials (24 oktober 2019). JAMA.
- Patient experiences of participation in a radical thoracic surgical trial: findings from the Mesothelioma and Radical Surgery Trial 2 (MARS 2) (18 oktober 2019). Trials.
- What are the most important unanswered research questions in trial retention? A James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership: the PRioRiTy II (Prioritising Retention in Randomised Trials) study (15 oktober 2019). Trials.
- Proefschrift C.M.W. Gaasterland “Patient involvement in rare disease trial design” (3 oktober 2019). AMC-UvA.
- What Drug Development Sponsors, Contract Research Organizations, and Investigators Can Do to Increase Diversity in Clinical Trials (13 oktober 2019). The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology.
- What’s in a name? From ‘subject’ to‘participant’ (8 oktober 2019). John Hutchinson, via LinkedIn.
Real World Data, Real World Evidence
- CTTI Releases New Recommendations for Using Real-World Data (17 oktober 2019). Applied Clinical Trials.
- RWE to Supplement RCTs: FDA Projects Continue (15 oktober 2019). Regulatory Focus.
- Researchers find 15% of trials could be replicated using real world data (11 oktober 2019). Endpoints News.
- Feasibility of Using Real-World Data to Replicate Clinical Trial Evidence. JAMA Netw Open. Published online October 09, 20192(10):e1912869.
Research ethics, Integrity
- How do researchers acquire and develop notions of research integrity? A qualitative study among biomedical researchers in Switzerland (16 oktober 2019). BMC Medical Ethics.
- Research integrity: environment, experience, or ethos? (14 oktober 2019). Research Ethics.
- Why research ethics should add retrospective review (10 oktober 2019). BMC Medical Ethics.
- Enhancing the Taxonomies Relating to Academic Integrity and Misconduct (8 oktober 2019). Journal of Academic Ethics.
Risk based monitoring
- A Consistent Approach to Risk Based Quality Management: Collaboration is Key (24 oktober 2019). ACRO.
- Establishing Risk-Based Monitoring within a Quality-Based System as “Best Practice” for Clinical Studies (oktober 2019). ACRO.
- Commentary on Engen et al: Risk-based, dynamic, process-oriented monitoring strategies and their burden (24 oktober 2019). Clinical Trials.
- A randomized evaluation of on-site monitoring nested in a multinational randomized trial (24 oktober 2019). Clinical Trials.
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
- Recently Posted Guidance Documents:
- Guidance for Industry: Investigational In Vitro Diagnostics in Oncology Trials: Streamlined Submission Process for Study Risk Determination (9 oktober 2019).
- Guidance for Industry: Investigational Enzyme Replacement Therapy Products: Nonclinical Assessment (2 oktober 2019).
- Draft Guidance for Industry, Food and Drug Administration Staff, and Other Stakeholders: Patient-Focused Drug Development: Methods to Identify What Is Important to Patients (30 september 2019).
- Guidance for Industry: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: Developing Drugs for Treatment (23 september 2019).
- Guidance for Industry: Drugs for Treatment of Partial Onset Seizures: Full Extrapolation of Efficacy from Adults to Pediatric Patients 2 Years of Age and Older (september 2019).
- FDA Finalizes Guidance on Developing Drugs for Patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) (16 oktober 2019). FDA Law Blog, Hyman, Phelps & McNamara.
- FDA’s Latest PFDD Guidance Puts What Is Important to Patients at the Center of Drug Development. How? By Asking Them. (11 0ktober 2019). FDA Law Blog, Hyman, Phelps & McNamara.
- FDA Issues Updated Guidance on the Regulation of Digital Health Technologies (9 oktober 2019) Global Policy Watch, Covington.
Voorwaardelijke toelating van geneesmiddelen tot het basispakket
- Tijdelijke toelating voor geneesmiddelen zeldzame en ernstige ziekten (23 oktober 2019). Medisch Contact.
- VWS publiceert vernieuwde Regeling Voorwaardelijke Toelating (22 oktober 2019). HollandBIO.
- Bruins verruimt beleid voorwaardelijke toelating geneesmiddelen (22 oktober 2019). Vereniging Innovatieve Geneesmiddelen.
- Minister Bruins: verbetering toegang nieuwe geneesmiddelen (22 oktober 2019). Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport.
Overig nieuws
- Citizen Science: Potential Benefits and Ethical Challenges (21 oktober 2019). The Hastings Center.
- Difference between Quality Assurance and Quality Control (17 oktober 2019). QA Learning Hub, via YouTube.
- Building a Site of Choice: Advice from the Field (14 oktober 2019). CenterWatch.
- The Need for a Code of Conduct for Research Funders (12 oktober 2019). Science and Engineering Ethics.
- It’s Time For The Academic World To See The Positive Side Of Negative Results (10 oktober 2019). Techdirt.
- Science Forum: Ten common statistical mistakes to watch out for when writing or reviewing a manuscript (9 oktober 2019). eLife.
- ‘Met patiëntenregistraties wordt het beeld veel realistischer’. ZonMw.
- Surrogate Endpoints and Drug Regulation: What Is Needed to Clarify the Evidence (27 september 2019). The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics.
Recent verschenen
- Overzicht bijeenkomsten & consultaties (1 Oktober 2019)
- Nieuwsbrief voor Goede Onderzoekspraktijken nr. 99 (22 oktober 2019)
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