Uitgelicht en gespot op internet (week 25)
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‘Uitgelicht en gespot op internet‘ is een supplement van de ‘Nieuwsbrief voor Goede Onderzoekspraktijken‘.
Uitgelicht & Gespot op Internet
Big data
Biobanking, Data sharing
- Africa’s science academy leads push for ethical data use (18 juni 2019). Nature.
- Secondary Use of Patient Tissue in Cancer Biobanks (10 juni 2019). The Oncologist.
- Why cite data? #CiteTheData. UK Data Service, via YouTube.
Clinical trials
- Methods to adjust for multiple comparisons in the analysis and sample size calculation of randomised controlled trials with multiple primary outcomes (21 juni 2019). BMC Medical Research Methodology 2019 19:129.
- Pragmatic randomized clinical trials: Real-world evidence made for payers and regulators (18 juni 2019). Pharmaceutical Commerce.
- The randomization-induced risk of a trial failing to attain its target power: assessment and mitigation (17 juni 2019). Trials 2019 20:360.
Dierexperimenteel onderzoek
Dutch Association of Research Quality Assurance
Dutch Clinical Research Foundation
Evidence-Based Medicine
- Wat weet jij over EBM? Een woordje uitleg: Wetenschappelijke begrippen verhelderd. Centrum voor Evidence-Based Medicine.
- Website Belgisch Centrum voor Evidence-Based Medicine.
Gene editing, Genetic enhancement
- How Should We Regulate Genetic Enhancement Technologies? (20 juni 2019). Practical Ethics, University of Oxford.
- CRISPR babies: when will the world be ready? (19 juni 2019). Nature.
- Russian geneticist answers challenges to his plan to make gene-edited babies (13 juni 2019). Science.
Genetic data research
Heads of Medicines Agencies, Brexit, VHP
Informed consent
- Informed Consent and Clinical Trials: will we ever learn? (19 juni 2019). Medical Devices Clinical.
- Informed consent for early-phase clinical trials: therapeutic misestimation, unrealistic optimism and appreciation. Journal of Medical Ethics Published Online First: 12 June 2019.
Integrity, Misconduct
Interoperability, Electronic health records, Electronic data capture
Nederlandse Voedsel- en Warenautoriteit, Inspectie Gezondheidszorg en Jeugd
Patient involvement
- Consensus workshops on the development of an ADHD medication management protocol using QbTest: developing a clinical trial protocol with multidisciplinary stakeholders (18 juni 2019). BMC Medical Research Methodology 2019 19:126.
- Patient involvement in questionnaire design: tackling response error and burden (17 juni 2019). Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice 2019 12:17.
- How different online recruitment methods impact on recruitment rates for the web-based coortesnaweb project: a randomised trial (19 juni 2019). BMC Medical Research Methodology 2019 19:127.
- Recruitment of men to a multi-centre diabetes prevention trial: an evaluation of traditional and online promotional strategies (19 juni 2019). Trials 2019 20:366.
- Expert Q&A: Effective Patient Recruitment (17 juni 2019). CenterWatch.
- Drug repurposing: a promising tool to accelerate the drug discovery process (22 juni 2019). Drug Discovery Today.
- Als ze er baat bij hebben krijgen patiënten ‘herontdekte’ medicijnen vergoed (13 juni 2019). NOS.
Retractions, Citation software
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
- Should the FDA speed up or slow down approval of new cancer drugs? (21 juni 2019). STAT.
- Draft Guidance: Opioid Analgesic Drugs: Considerations for Benefit-Risk Assessment Framework Guidance for Industry (20 juni 2019).
Overig nieuws
- Drug Discovery Today, Volume 24, Issue 7, Pages 1321-1424, July 2019.
- Cutting Through the Headline Hype on Medical Studies (21 juni 2019). The Scholary Kitchen.
- Launch of ConcePTION, an EU Project Setting Standards for Research on Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women (6 juni 2019). BBMRI-ERIC.
- Future unmet medical need as a guiding principle for pharmaceutical R&D (21 juni 2019). Drug Discovery Today.
- Evaluating research: what effects do current funding practices have in the Netherlands? (20 mei 2019). ZonMw.
- Early Access to Medicines Scheme: real-world data collection (19 juni 2019). Drug Discovery Today.
- Guest Post: Research and Clinical Genomics are Converging (14 juni 2019). Global Alliance for Genomics & Health.
- The missing link: Blockchain in clinical data management (14 juni 2019). Pharmafile.
- BioCelerate Launches Two New Initiatives and Expands Membership (10 juni 2019). BusinessWire.
- Bijwerkingen van geneesmiddelen lijken geslachtsgebonden (10 juni 2019). NTvG.
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