Voor de nieuwsfeed worden de volgende bronnen gevolgd:
- Accountability in Research
- Advarra
- All European Academies (ALLEA)
- Alliance of European Life Sciences Law Firms
- AllTrials
- Applied Clinical Trials
- Associatie van Contract Research Organisaties in Nederland (ACRON)
- Association for Clinical Data Management (ACDM)
- Association for Human Pharmacology in the Pharmaceutical Industry (AHPPI)
- Association of Clinical Research Organizations (ACRO)
- Association of Clinical Research Professionals (ACRP)
- Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens
- Axon Lawyers
- BBMRI.nl
- Belgian Association of Contract Research Organisations (BeCRO)
- Belgian Association of Research Ethics Committees
- Bioethics (most recent)
- BioSlice Blog (Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP)
- Bits of Freedom
- Boumans Regulatory Consulting
- Cancer Research UK
- Centrale Commissie Dierproeven
- Centrale Commissie Mensgebonden Onderzoek (CCMO)
- Centre for Human Drug Research (CHDR)
- Clinical Leader
- Clinical Research Data Sharing Alliance (CRDSA)
- Clinical Research News
- Clinical Trials (online first)
- Clinical Trials Arena
- Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI)
- cOAlition S
- Code of Conduct for Health Research
- Commissie Genetische Modificatie (COGEM)
- Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)
- conect4children
- CORE–MD (Coordinating Research and Evidence for Medical Devices)
- Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS)
- Covington & Burling LLP, Global Policy Watch
- Critical Metascience
- Cromsource
- Data Colada
- DCRF Academie
- Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung (DAZ)
- Drug Discovery Today (OA)
- Dutch Clinical Research Foundation (DCRF)
- Dutch Oncology Research Platform (DORP)
- E-data & Research
- ECA Academy – GMP News
- EJP RD – European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases
- EMA Publieke consultaties
- Endpoints News
- Ethics & Human Research
- EudraCT
- EuropaBio
- European Animal Research Association
- European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network (ECRIN)
- European Commission – Medicinal products
- European Commission – Public Health – Latest updates
- European Commission: Medicinal products – Consultations
- European Commission: Medicinal products – Latest updates
- European Confederation of Pharmaceutical Entrepreneurs AISBL (EUCOPE)
- European Data Protection Board (EDPB)
- European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS)
- European Forum for Good Clinical Practice (EFGCP)
- European Medicines Agency (EMA)
- European Network of Research Integrity Offices (ENRIO)
- European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)
- European Patients’ Academy (EUPATI)
- European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI)
- EuropeBio Weekly Newsletter
- Europese Commissie
- Europese Commissie (medicinal products)
- EuroScientist
- Experimental Results
- FDA (press releases)
- FDA – What’s New: Drugs
- FDA – What’s New: Vaccines, Blood and Biologics
- FDA Law Blog, Hyman, Phelps & McNamara, P.C.
- German Biobank Node
- Gezondheidsraad
- Global Alliance for Genomics and Health
- Good Clinical Trials Collaborative newsletter
- Ground Truths, by Eric Topol
- Heads of Medicines Agencies (HMA)
- Healixia
- Health-RI
- HollandBIO
- HRA Latest
- Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)
- Inspectie Gezondheidszorg en Jeugd (IGJ)
- Institute for Clinical and Economic Review
- International Conference for Harmonisation (ICH)
- International Federation of Pharmaceutical Physicians and Pharmaceutical Medicine
- Internetrecht door Arnoud Engelfriet
- ISO/FDIS 14155
- Joost “Legal Beetle” Gerritsen
- Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics
- Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics (online first)
- League of European Research Universities (LERU)
- Life Sciences & Privacy Blog
- Medical Devices Clinical
- Medical Research Council (UK)
- Medicaldeviceslegal
- Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)
- MedLawConsult
- Nederlandse Vereniging van Klinische Farmacologie en Biofarmacie (NVKFB)
- Nederlandse Vereniging voor Farmaceutische Geneeskunde (NVFG)
- Netherlands Research Integrity Network (NRIN)
- NIH National Library of Medicine – NLM News and Events
- NTvG (wekelijkse nieuwsbrief)
- Nuffield Council on Bioethics
- nWMO studies
- OECD (chemical safety and biosafety)
- Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP)
- Open Knowledge Foundation Newsletter
- Overheid.nl (gentherapie)
- Patient Focused Medicines Development
- Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme (PIC/S)
- Pharmaphorum
- Quality Business Support Blog
- RAPS Regulatory Focus
- Regulatory Science Network Netherlands (RSNN)
- Research Data Alliance (RDA)
- Research Ethics (online first)
- Research Ethics (recent articles)
- Retraction Watch
- Scholary Kitchen
- Skipr
- Society for Clinical Data Management (SCDM)
- Swissmedic
- SYRCLE Radboudumc
- The EQUATOR Network
- The Good Clinical Trials Collaborative
- The Hastings Center
- The IDEAL Collaboration
- The Niche – Trusted stem cell blog & resources
- The Retraction Watch Daily
- The Source
- Towards the European Health Data Space (TEHDAS)
- TransCelerate BioPharma Inc.
- TranspariMED
- Trial Master File Reference Model
- TrialScope
- UK Research Integrity Office (UKRIO)
- UKCRC Tissue Directory and Coordination Centre
- Undark Magazine
- UNICEF Office of Research Innocenti
- Universiteiten van Nederland
- Universities Allied for Essential Medicines (UAEM)
- Vereniging Innovatieve Geneesmiddelen
- Vereniging van Universiteiten (VSNU)
- Wet zeggenschap lichaamsmateriaal
- WHO Tracker / People’s Health Movement
- Wijziging van de Wet op het bevolkingsonderzoek in verband met actuele ontwikkelingen op het terrein van preventief gezondheidsonderzoek
- World Health Organization
- World Medical Association (WMA)
- ZonMw tijdlijn Coronavirus
Pagina bijgewerkt op 25 juni 2023