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Meer nieuws en actualiteiten:
- Alternatief nieuwsoverzicht
- Archief Nieuwsbrief voor Goede Onderzoekspraktijken
- Uitgelicht & Gespot op internet
- More than three decades after misconduct ruling, researcher’s IQ test paper is retracted
- Center for Drug Evaluation and Research Organization Chart
- FDA Voices
- Werkgevers en vakbonden hervatten cao-onderhandelingen ouderenzorg
- SK bioscience and Sanofi’s GBP410 vaccine enters global Phase III trials
- High coffee intake linked to decreased head and neck cancer risk
- Report finds 70% spike in advanced therapy Phase I trials in UK
- Poll: Gezondheidsverschillen terugdringen doe je niet op rijksniveau, maar in de wijk
- Public consultation on the legal framework for veterinary medicinal products: "Better regulation of veterinary pharmaceuticals: how to put in place a simpler legal frame
- Onderzoek: VWS kan 72 miljoen bezuinigen op ambtenaren
- Agenda - EUHPP Live Webinar: Launch event of the Country Cancer Profiles 2025 (3 February 2025, 09:30 - 11:00 CET)
- Reaching Diverse Patient Populations With Personalized Treatment Methods
- HELIOS-B Trial Confirms Amvuttra Reduces Mortality, Cardiovascular Events in ATTR-CM Patients
- Aafje en Aecare bieden verpleeghuiszorg thuis samen aan
- Leading Account and Intent-Based Sales and Marketing Providers and Technology Solutions for the Clinical Trials Industry
- Nog steeds opnamestop twee afdelingen Zuyderland om norovirus
- Boston Scientific sees success in PFA device trial
- New FDA Guidance on Risk Analyses for Drugs, Biologics and Combination Products
- The RW Daily: Who you calling ‘bignose’? Shark paper corrected after species mix-up. And "Why Editors At Scientific Journals Are Resigning En Masse."
- Publication of three FDA draft guidelines on donor eligibility for HCT/Ps
- Artificial Intelligence in Medical Devices - Notified Bodies' Point of View
- Final ICH E6(R3) Guideline on GCP released
- ECHA: Update on PFAS Restrictions
- GMP Violations at Turkish OTC Manufacturer
- FDA approves Zydus’ Phase II(b) trial of Usnoflast for ALS treatment
- ACT EU workplan for 2025-2026 published
- Exploratory analysis on funding to support academic sponsors conduct multi-national clinical trials
- ACT EU multi-annual workplan 2025-2026
- Public consultation on the revision of EU Commission guidelines on Good Manufacturing Practice for Medicinal Products
- 2025 Trends: Streamlining Data at the Site Level
- MSB en bestuur Albert Schweitzer ziekenhuis aan één ‘overlegtafel’
- Leading Sales and Marketing Intent Data, Database and Data Enrichment Providers and Technology Solutions for the Clinical Trials Industry
- Vertrek Louise Rouwhorst als bestuurder Trias Jeugdhulp
- 100+ German researchers state the need for animal research
- #BOARD25 – save the date
- Blood vessel discovery in mice for bone health
- Treating burns with waste fish skin
- Novo Nordisk’s high-dose Wegovy increases weight loss and remains safe
- JDN Newsletter
- Nieuwe rvt-voorzitter voor Ikazia
- Geen nieuwe cyberaanval op systemen SURF
- USP-NF Stimuli Article on Apex Vessels used in Dissolution Testing
- Elemental Impurities: Harmonized chapter finalized
- USP Chapters and on Volumetric Apparatus again Published for Comments
- Pharmeuropa: New Chapter 2.5.45 on Photoionisation Detectors published for Comments
- Rode Kruis: Nederlander onvoldoende medisch zelfredzaam bij nood
- Internetrecht door Arnoud Engelfriet
- Putting an Ethics Training Program Online: It May Be More Complicated Than We Think
- Mitigating Risk and Complexity in Cell & Gene Therapy Trials with IRT
- The EU Biotech Act – EuropaBio Vision Paper