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Nieuwsbrief voor Goede Onderzoekspraktijken

Nr. 160
19 december 2022

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Hierbij ontvangt u de Nieuwsbrief voor Goede Onderzoekspraktijken van 19 december 2022, met het laatste nieuws rond wet- en regelgeving en mensgebonden onderzoek.

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Met vriendelijke groet,

Vincent Bontrop

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Prettige Kerstdagen en een heel gelukkig 2023!
11 December 2022
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Het nieuwe ‘Landelijk Trial Register’ is online!
19 December 2022
Op 19 december 2022 bracht de Centrale Commissie Mensgebonden Onderzoek (CCMO) het nieuws dat sinds 15 december de eerste versie van het Landelijk Trial Register (LTR) in de lucht is.
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Commissie Genetische Modificatie (COGEM)

Dutch Clinical Research Foundation (DCRF)

Wet zeggenschap lichaamsmateriaal (Wzl)

Bereikbaarheid CCMO tijdens kerstperiode

  • Gesloten op maandag 26 december 2022
  • Minder goed bereikbaar: 27 december t/m 30 december 2022. Vragen gelieve per e-mail stellen.
  • CTR - Winter klokstop: van 22 december 2022 23:59:59 tot 8 januari 2023 00:00:01 uur.
‘Recommendation paper on decentralised elements in clinical trials’ gepubliceerd door EU Directoraat-generaal Gezondheid en Voedselveiligheid
14 December 2022
Op 14 december 2022 is door het Directoraat-generaal Gezondheid en Voedselveiligheid de 'Recommendation paper on decentralised elements in clinical trials' gepubliceerd.
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Notulen CTAG vergadering oktober gepubliceerd

Op 19 december 2022 zijn de notulen gepubliceerd van de vergadering van de Clinical Trials Coordination and Advisory Group (CTAG) die op 19 oktober 2022 heeft plaatgevonden.

Hieronder heb ik een aantal interessante snippets uit de notulen overgenomen die betrekking hebben op de Clinical Trials Regulation (CTR):

Survey on CTR implementation: blocking issues, solutions, and the way forward

The EMA informed that major blockers that are preventing the users to work smoothly on CTIS have been identified and that the service providers were committed to solve these blockers before 31 January 2023, date from which the use of CTIS will be compulsory. Member States expressed concerns about CTIS performance and some of the persisting blocking issues, calling for a fully operational system to be delivered on time. The Commission joined this call and encouraged good coordination at national level to ensure that the positions expressed at the EMA management board reflect the Member States needs expressed in this group. The Commission announced that the next steps would consist in identifying the persisting issues, prioritising them and allocating them to the different entities for possible resolution (EMA, Commission, Member States, CTAG, Commission Expert Group on Clinical Trials (CTEG), Clinical Trial Coordination Group (CTCG)). A sub-group of CTAG would be set up to prepare the work of an ad hoc CTAG plenary meeting in December 2022 dedicated to that follow-up.

Union Controls

The Commission recalled the concerns expressed by Member States concerning the scope of the Union controls performed in the frame of the CTR. Notwithstanding that Union Controls is a critical method to verify whether Member States correctly supervise compliance with the CTR, the Commission has decided to pause the Union Controls until there is an internal review of the legal provisions. In relation to those Union Controls that had already started, the Commission has been liaising bi-laterally with the concerned Member State to seek agreement as to how to proceed.

Proposals by ES and NL to facilitate clinical trial applications and CTR implementation

ES and NL presented a set of proposals to facilitate clinical trial applications and the CTR implementation. These proposals consisted in rationalising and optimising the work of the different groups involved in the implementation and enforcement of the CTR, updating and complementing guidance materials, developing a kit of first understanding of the CTR (a document summarising the new rules and pointing to the different guidance materials). The Commission welcomed these proposals and indicated that they will be considered, notably in the context of the survey follow-ups. Collaboration with the CTEG and other interested parties will be sought as appropriate.

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Highlights EMA Management Board december meeting gepubliceerd

Op 16 december 2022 zijn de highlights van de EMA Management Board vergadering van december 2022 gepubliceerd. Tijdens de meeting is het Management Board ook geïnformeerd over de Clinical Trials Regulation (CTR) en het Clinical Trials Information System (CTIS).

The Agency informed the Board that the system delivers the functionality required for new clinical trial applications which will continue to be developed and enhanced. The Board noted the progress towards further stabilisation of the system in preparation of compulsory use. This stabilisation will improve user experience. The Agency informed the Board about its delivery plan to ensure no blocking technical issues in the core processes by the legal deadline and its commitment to this plan.

The Board welcomed the 2023 CTIS workplan which focusses on enhancing the user experience by implementing improvements in the most impactful functional areas of the system, future proofing and minimising risks to the technical core of CTIS. The Board also agreed to review the current rules on disclosure of certain clinical trial documents and a review of CTIS transparency measures for 2023. As the initiation of this workplan is subject to the stabilisation of the system, the Agency committed to update the Board on a weekly basis on the progress towards stabilisation and full functionality of the system. This update will start on Friday 16 December and stakeholders will be kept regularly informed.

The Agency informed the Board of the various potential risk scenarios and of the development of a business contingency plan.

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MDCG publiceert aanvraag-/meldingsdocumenten voor IVDR prestatiestudies en substantiële modificaties

De Medical Device Coordination Group (MDCG) heeft in verband met het nog niet functioneel zijn van EUDAMED,  aanvraag-/meldingsdocumenten voor prestatiestudies opgesteld ter ondersteuning van procedures voor prestatiestudies in het kader van de IVDR.

Op 12 december 2022 zijn de aanvraag-/meldingsdocumenten voor prestatiestudies gepubliceerd en op 14 december volgde aanvraag-/meldingsdocumenten voor substantiële modificaties van prestatiestudies.

Pilot wetenschappelijke adviesprocedure voor fabrikanten van medische hulpmiddelen over de strategie voor klinische ontwikkeling en klinisch onderzoek

Op 15 december 2022 is door het European Medicines Agency (EMA) de meeting summary van de Third Industry Standing Group (ISG) meeting gepubliceerd, met daarin een update over de implementatie van de Medical Devices expert panels:

EMA presented the status development of the new scientific advice procedure for medical device manufacturers on clinical development strategy and clinical investigation and informed the audience of the launch of a pilot phase for Q1/2023. The pilot is aimed at gathering experience to shape the future scientific advice procedure after 2024. It was highlighted that as part of the pilot phase, the scientific advice will be free of charge. Additional information and guidance will be shared in advance of a dedicated webinar scheduled in January 2023. Medical device industry representatives welcomed the pilot phase.

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Clinical Trials Regulation (CTR), Centrale Commissie Mensgebonden Onderzoek (CCMO)

Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS)


European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) 

European Health Data Space (EHDS)

European Medicines Agency (EMA), Good Clinical Practice (GCP), Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), Good pharmacoVigilance Practices (GVP

Uitgelicht en gespot op internet (week 50, 2022)
17 December 2022
Hierbij een nieuwe uitgave van 'Uitgelicht en gespot op internet', een supplement van de 'Nieuwsbrief voor Goede Onderzoekspraktijken', met een overzicht van nieuws en andere berichten die zijn gespot op…
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Q&A: Fasering van klinische proeven
17 December 2022
Op Wikipedia wordt met een overzichtelijke tabel op beknopte wijze de fasering van klinische proeven uitgelegd. Met behulp van deze informatie heb ik een iets fraaiere weergave van de tabel…
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Vincent Bontrop
Utrecht, Netherlands
Copyright Vincent Bontrop