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Nieuwsbrief voor Goede Onderzoekspraktijken

Nummer. 33 - 26 Mei 2017


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Hierbij ontvangt u de Nieuwsbrief voor Goede Onderzoekspraktijken van 26 mei 2017, met de laatste ontwikkelingen rond medisch-wetenschappelijk onderzoek met mensen, nieuwe wet- en regelgeving en gereviseerde richtlijnen.

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Met vriendelijke groet,

Vincent Bontrop



Medisch Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek


Aantal grote subsidieverstrekkers en internationale NGO's gaan resultaten klinische proeven openbaar maken

Op 18 mei 2017 hebben een twaalftal organisaties een gezamenlijke verklaring uitgebracht waarin de organisaties aangeven nieuwe richtlijnen te gaan ontwikkelen voor de klinische proeve

"In a joint statement, the Indian Council of Medical Research, the Norwegian Research Council, the UK Medical Research Council, Médecins Sans Frontières and Epicentre (its research arm), PATH, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), Institut Pasteur, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Wellcome Trust agreed to develop and implement policies within the next 12 months that require all trials they fund, co-fund, sponsor or support to be registered in a publicly-available registry. They also agreed that all results would be disclosed within specified timeframes on the registry and/or by publication in a scientific journal." (bron: WHO news release, 18 May 2017)

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Lees 'Joint statement on public disclosure of results from clinical trials' (.pdf)


Nieuwe uitgave NVMETC Forum verschenen

Het eerste nummer van NVMETC Forum (uitgave mei 2017) is verschenen.

NVMETC Forum is het nieuwsblad van de Nederlandse Vereniging van Medisch-Ethische Toetsingscommissies (NVMETC).

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Onderzoek met Geneesmiddelen


Nieuwe versie EudraVigilance aangekondigd

Het European Medicines Agency (EMA) heeft bekend gemaakt dat op 22 november 2017 er een nieuwe en verbeterde versie van EudraVigilance zal worden gelanceerd.

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EudraVigilance data analysis system vanaf november ook toegankelijk voor vergunninghouders

Het EudraVigilance data analysis system (EVDAS) zal vanaf november 2017 ook toegankelijk zijn voor vergunninghouders. Deze dienen zich echter wel te registreren.

Registreren kan vanaf 1 juni 2017. Om het werkbaar te houden voor het EMA dient registratie in het voor de vergunninghouder aangegeven tijdslot plaats te vinden.

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EMA vernieuwt Q&A pagina's over 'Post-authorisation safety studies', 'Post-authorisation measures' en 'Transparency'

Het EMA heeft tevens een aantal Q&A pagina's vernieuwd/aangevuld. Het gaat om de Q&A pagina's over 'post-authorisation safety studies', 'post-authorisation measures' en 'transparency'.

Post-authorisation safety studies Q&A pagina:

  • Toegevoegd aan vraag 9 (Scientific advice for safety studies): Which post-authorisation safety studies could benefit from scientific advice?

Ga naar Post-authorisation safety studies Q&A pagina

Post-authorisation measures Q&A pagina:

  • Vernieuwd zijn de vragen 8 (When should I submit my PAM) en 16 (Who should I contact if I have a question when preparing my application?).

Ga naar Post-authorisation measures Q&A pagina

Transparency Q&A pagina:

  • Nieuw toegevoegd is vraag 3 (Which transparency measures apply with regard to the clinical data submitted by applicants/MAHs to support their regulatory applications?)

Ga naar Transparency Q&A pagina


EMA publiceert bijgewerkte 'INS-GCP-4 procedure for reporting of good-clinical-practice inspections requested by the CHMP'

Het European Medicines Agency (EMA) heeft op 15 mei 2017 de bijgewerkte versie van de "INS-GCP-4 procedure for reporting of good-clinical-practice inspections requested by the CHMP" gepubliceerd.

De gereviseerde versie was reeds op 30 januari 2017 aangenomen door de Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CMPH).

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DCRF en CCMO publiceren artikel over ECTR in wetenschapsmagazine Gelre ziekenhuizen

Op 21 mei 2017 maakte de Dutch Clinical Research Foundation (DCRF) via haar website bekend dat Annelies van Woudenberg (namens DCRF) en Cees de Heer (namens de CCMO) een artikel over de European Clinical Trial Regulation (ECTR) hebben geschreven voor het wetenschapsmagazine van de Gelre ziekenhuizen.

Het wetenschapsmagazine 'wetenschap@gelre' is te downloaden via het nieuwsbericht op de DCRF website en middels de link hieronder.

Bron/Lees verder

Download wetenschap@gelre nummer 14, voorjaar 2017 (zie p.16-17 voor artikel ECTR)


Onderzoek met Lichaamsmateriaal ~ Biobanking


BBMRI-ERIC Directory bevat inmiddels 100 miljoen samples

Op 24 mei 2017 maakte de BBMRI-ERIC bekend dat er inmiddels 100 miljoen samples zijn opgenomen in haar BBMRI-ERIC Directory catalogus.

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IARC publiceert 'Common Minimum Technical Standards and Protocols for Biobanks Dedicated to Cancer Research'

Het International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) maakte op 15 mei 2017 de publicatie van haar IARC Technical Publication No. 44 bekend met daarin de nieuwe IARC richtlijnen en aanbevelingen voor biobanken die zijn opgezet ten behoeve van oncologisch onderzoek.

De IARC publicatie getiteld "Common Minimum Technical Standards and Protocols for Biobanks Dedicated to Cancer Research" is te downloaden middels de onderstaande link.

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Download 'Common Minimum Technical Standards and Protocols for Biobanks Dedicated to Cancer Research' (IARC Technical Publication No. 44)




7 juni 2017 - BBMRI-ERIC Forum Meeting Towards a Health & Life Sciences GDPR Code of Conduct

Locatie: Brussels, Belgium

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20 juni 2017 - CORBEL: How European Biological and Medical Sciences Research Infrastructures boost Innovation by Open Access

Locatie: Brussel, België

LET OP! Deadline voor registratie 29 mei 2017

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13 - 15 september 2017 - Global Biobank Week. Towards Harmony in Biobanking

Locatie: Stockholm, Zweden

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27 - 29 September 2017 - EMA: Hands-on Training Course NEW EudraVigilance System and the electronic reporting of ICSRs in the ISO/ICH E2B(R3)

Locatie: BCN Amsterdam Arena, Amsterdam

In de periode 12 juni tot en met 6 december 2017 worden meerdere trainingsbijeenkomsten georganiseerd. Deze bijeenkomst is de enige die in Nederland wordt georganiseerd.

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Overige bijeenkomsten - Hands-on Training Course NEW EudraVigilance System and the electronic reporting of ICSRs in the ISO/ICH E2B(R3)

In de periode 12 juni tot en met 6 december 2017 worden meerdere trainingsbijeenkomsten georganiseerd.

Locaties: Londen, Wenen, Praag, Lissabon, Madrid en Athene

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14 november 2017 - EMA: Joint European Medicines Agency / Drug Information Association information day on measuring the impact of pharmacovigilance activities

Locatie: European Medicines Agency, London

LET OP! Aanmelden kan tot 31 oktober 2017

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Publieke consultaties


EMA: Draft guideline for the notification of serious breaches of Regulation (EU) No 536/2014 or the clinical trial protocol

Consultatie open tot 22 augustus 2017

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Meer bijeenkomsten en consultaties?


Voor meer bijeenkomsten en lopende publieke consultaties zie ook:

Het eerstvolgende maandelijkse overzicht met bijeenkomsten en consultaties (uitgave juni 2017) zal worden verstuurd op 1 juni 2017!

Ontvangt u het maandelijkse overzicht met alle bij mij bekende bijeenkomsten en publieke consultaties nog niet? Klik dan hier om uw voorkeuren aan te passen



Amy Corneli, Christine Pierre, Terri Hinkley, Li Lin, Christopher B. Fordyce, Gerrit Hamre, Matthew T. Roe, One and done: Reasons principal investigators conduct only one FDA-regulated drug trial, Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, Volume 6, June 2017, Pages 31-38, ISSN 2451-8654

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Curry, S. (25 May 2017). It's time for academics to take back control of research journals. The Guardian.

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The Clinical Cancer Genome Task Team of the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (25 May 2017). Sharing Clinical and Genomic Data on Cancer — The Need for Global Solutions. N Engl J Med 2017; 376:2006-2009 DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp1612254

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Fassbender, M. (25 May 2017). ACRO: Right to Try Act compromises clinical trial process.

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Papadakos J, Trang A, Cyr AB, Abdelmutti N, Giuliani ME, Snow M, McCurdie T, Pulandiran M, Urowitz S, Wiljer D (24 May 2017). Deconstructing Cancer Patient Information Seeking in a Consumer Health Library Toward Developing a Virtual Information Consult for Cancer Patients and Their Caregivers: A Qualitative, Instrumental Case Study. JMIR Cancer 2017;3(1):e6

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Crotty, D. (24 May 2017). Reproducible Research, Just Not Reproducible By You. The Scholary Kitchen.

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Ioannidis, J.P.A. (2017). Hijacked evidence-based medicine: stay the course and throw the pirates overboard. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology , Volume 84 , 11 - 13

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Stewart Lowndes, J.S., et al. (23 May 2017). Our path to better science in less time using open data science tools. Nature Ecology & Evolution 1, Article number: 0160 (2017) doi:10.1038/s41559-017-0160

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Medicines for Europe, press release (23 May 2017 ). EU Semester Country Specific Recommendations: More Efficient Medicine Policies Needed for Patient Access.

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Southey, F. (23 May 2017). EMA proposal concerns: “Public health trumps commercial confidentiality”.

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Zhu CS, Pinsky PF, Moler JE, Kukwa A, Mabie J, et al. (2017) Data sharing in clinical trials: An experience with two large cancer screening trials. PLOS Medicine 14(5): e1002304

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Bond, K. (22 May 2017). Dynamic consent models can benefit clinical trials. pharmaphorum.

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Moody, G. (22 May 2017). Detailed medical records of 61 million Italian citizens to be given to IBM for its "cognitive computing" system Watson. Privacy Online News.

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Molteni, M. (22 May 2017). Medicine Is Going Digital. The FDA Is Racing to Catch Up. Wired.

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Denis Menshykau, Emerging technologies for prediction of drug candidate efficacy in the preclinical pipeline, Drug Discovery Today, Available online 22 May 2017, ISSN 1359-6446

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McCook, A. (22 May 2017). When misconduct occurs, how should journals and institutions work together?. Retraction Watch.

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Doshi Peter. US government website for collecting adverse events after vaccination is inaccessible to most users BMJ 2017; 357 :j2449

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Brostoff, J. (20 May 2017). How to Ensure your Clinical Research is Ethical - 7 Key Principles. LinkedIn blog.

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EMA Personalised medicines - Report from a workshop on personalised medicines held by EMA on 14 March 2017. EMA/185440/2017

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BioMed Central. Clinical Trials Day 2017 [clinical trial reporting].

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Flemyng, E. (19 May 2017). Completed our Clinical Trials Day Quiz? Read about what’s next for clinical trial reporting. BioMed Central blog network.

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Richtlijnen database [medische richtlijnen voor de tweede lijn]. Federatie van Medisch Specialisten.

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Rutten, C., (May 2017). Belgium, a European leader in clinical trials. General Association of the Innovative Pharmaceutical Industry in Belgium/Algemene Vereniging van de Geneesmiddelenindustrie.

Lees verder (19 May 2017). 1 op de 5 Europese klinische studies tegen kanker, loopt in België. General Association of the Innovative Pharmaceutical Industry in Belgium/Algemene Vereniging van de Geneesmiddelenindustrie.

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Kirkham Jamie J, Clarke Mike, Williamson Paula R. A methodological approach for assessing the uptake of core outcome sets using findings from a review of randomised controlled trials of rheumatoid arthritis BMJ 2017; 357 :j2262

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WHO global model regulatory framework for medical devices including in vitro diagnostic medical devices. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2017

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Voormolen, S. (19 mei 2017). Medicijnen worden niet zo bedoeld, wel zo gebruikt [off label gebruik]. NRC.

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Klingmann, I., Breithaupt-Grögler, K. & Eskola, S. (19 May 2017). Communicating clinical trial results to meet public needs (Guest blog). European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA), PharmaViews blog.

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Canning, S. (19 May 2017). An author and reviewer in conversation – reproducibility and antibody validation. F1000 Research blog.

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McCook, A. (19 May 2017). Denmark to institute sweeping changes in handling misconduct. Retraction Watch.

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Wager, E. et al. (19 May 2017). Cooperation And Liaison Between Universities And Editors (CLUE): Recommendations On Best Practice. bioRxiv 139170; This article is a preprint and has not been peer-reviewed

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Skipr redactie (18 mei 2017). CPB: overheid moet dure zorgtechnieken testen

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Zastrow, M. (18 May 2017). Four in 10 biomedical papers out of China are tainted by misconduct, says new survey. Retraction Watch.

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Griffin, E. (18 May 2017). Rescue old data before it’s too late. Nature 545, 267 doi:10.1038/545267a

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Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens Jaarverslag 2016

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Persbericht. AP presenteert jaarverslag 2016; nog 1 jaar tot nieuwe privacywet. Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens (18 mei 2017).

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Iacobucci Gareth. Patient data were shared with Google on an “inappropriate legal basis,” says NHS data guardian BMJ 2017; 357 :j2439

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Feldwisch-Drentrup, H. (18 May 2017). Journal that holds record for retracted papers also has a problem with editorial board members. Science (Science Insider).

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Rudolf, C. (17 May 2017). Data beyond the clinical trial: web & social listening for pharma: is AI the answer to extended safety vigilance? (Guest blog). European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA), PharmaViews blog.

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Winston, J. (17 May 2017). takes DNA ownership rights from customers and their relatives. ThinkProgress.

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Geesink, I. (16 mei 2017). Lichaamsmateriaal opgespoord. Rathenau Instituut.

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Van Maanen, H. (16 mei 2017). Niet blindvaren op registratiegegevens. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2017;161:C3477

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Kleijne, I. (16 mei 2017). Informatiebehoefte knelpunt in zaak ‘orgaandiefstal’. Medisch Contact

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News release (16 May 2017). New Drug Repurposing e-learning from ecancer and ReDO. ecancer News

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DCRF nieuwsbericht (16 mei 2017). DCRF betrokken bij het beantwoorden van de motie Rutte.

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Ellis, J. & Atkinson-Bonasio, A. (16 May 2017). 5 diseases ailing research – and how to cure them. Elsevier Connect.

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Gyawali, B., Honda, K., Shimokata, T. & Ando, Y. The incidence and risks of  adverse events in randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of cancer drugs downplaying the harms. Abstract, 2017 ASCO Annual Meeting. J Clin Oncol 35, 2017 (suppl; abstr e14036)

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Van der Zande, I.S.E., Van der Graaf, R., Oudijk, M.A. & Van Delden, J.J.M. (15 May 2017). A qualitative study on acceptable levels of risk for pregnant women in clinical research. BMC Medical Ethics 2017 18:35. DOI: 10.1186/s12910-017-0194-9

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Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens nieuwsbericht (15 mei 2017). Besmetting met ransomware door WannaCry.

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Van Staalduine, J. & Van den Outenaar, E. (18 mei 2017). CPB: overheid verkwist miljarden in de zorg. De Volkskrant.

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Health Technology Assessment: 87% of citizens and stakeholders support EU cooperation beyond 2020. European Commission, Health and Food Safety Directorate General (15 May 2017).

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European Commission, Directorate General for Health and Food Safety (15 May 2017). Report of the consultation - Public consultation on strengthening EU cooperation on Health Technology Assessment (HTA).

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Goodman, C.S. (May 2014). HTA 101:  Introduction to Health Technology Assessment. The Lewin Group. National Information Center on Health Services Research and Health Care Technology (NICHSR), US National Library of Medicine (NLM).

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Adarsh Joshi, Jenny Zhang, Liang Fang, Statistical design for a confirmatory trial with a continuous predictive biomarker: A case study, Contemporary Clinical Trials, Available online 15 May 2017, ISSN 1551-7144

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Davis, P. (15 May 2017). Citation Performance Indicators — A Very Short Introduction. The Scholary Kitchen.

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Hilgard, J. (14 May 2017). Curiously Strong effects. Crystal Prrison Zone, blog.

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Tennant, J. (14 May 2017). Should we cite preprints? Green Tea and Velociraptors, blog.

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Bozzo, A., Bali, K., Evaniew, N. & Ghert, M. (12 May 2017). Retractions in cancer research: a systematic survey. Research Integrity and Peer Review 2017 2:5. DOI: 10.1186/s41073-017-0031-1

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Sherlock, A. & Rudolf, C. (12 May 2017). Artificial Intelligence as an Aid to Pharmacovigilance.

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Taylor, M. (10 May 2017). What impact does research have? BMJ Opinion.

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Fassbender, M. (10 May 2017). PRA looks to bring child-friendly solutions to pediatric clinical trials.

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Zwaan, R. (8 May 2017). Concurrent Replication.

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Hind, D. et al. (2 May 2017). Comparative costs and activity from a sample of UK clinical trials units. Trials 2017 18:203. DOI: 10.1186/s13063-017-1934-3

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Kennedy, A.D.M., Torgerson, D.J., Campbell, M.K. & Grant, A.M. (2 May 2017). Subversion of allocation concealment in a randomised controlled trial: a historical case study. Trials 2017 18:204. DOI: 10.1186/s13063-017-1946-z

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van Deudekom FJ, Postmus I, van der Ham DJ, Pothof AB, Broekhuizen K, et al. (2017) External validity of randomized controlled trials in older adults, a systematic review. PLOS ONE 12(3): e0174053.

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Van Gool, A.J., et al. (28 April 2017). Bridging the translational innovation gap through good biomarker practice. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery (2017) doi:10.1038/nrd.2017.72

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Chhoa, C.Y., Sawyer, A., Ayers, S., Pushpa-Rajah, A. & Duley, L. (26 April 2017). Clinicians’ views and experiences of offering two alternative consent pathways for participation in a preterm intrapartum trial: a qualitative study. Trials 2017 18:196. DOI: 10.1186/s13063-017-1940-5

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Mbuagbaw, L., Rochwerg, B., Jaeschke, R., Heels-Andsell, D., Alhazzani, W., Thabane L. & Guyatt, G.H. (12 April 2017).  Approaches to interpreting and choosing the best treatments in network meta-analyses. Systematic Reviews 2017 6:79 DOI: 10.1186/s13643-017-0473-z

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de Jonge, A., Wouters, M.G.A.J., Klinkert, J., Brandenbarg, J., Zwart, J. J., Van Dillen, J., van der Horst, H.E. and Schellevis, F.G. (6 April 2017), Pitfalls in the use of register based data for comparing adverse maternal and perinatal outcomes in different birth settings. BJOG: Int J Obstet Gy. Accepted Author Manuscript. doi:10.1111/1471-0528.14676

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Stakeholders Acting Together On the ethical impact assessment of Research and Innovation (1 March 2017). Is the independence of ethics committees at risk?

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Grady C, Touloumi G, Walker AS, Smolskis M, Sharma S, et al. (2017) A randomized trial comparing concise and standard consent forms in the START trial. PLOS ONE 12(4): e0172607.

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Absolom, K., Holch, P., Warrington, L., Samy, F., Hulme, C., Hewison, J., … on behalf of the eRAPID systemic treatment work group. (2017). Electronic patient self-Reporting of Adverse-events: Patient Information and aDvice (eRAPID): a randomised controlled trial in systemic cancer treatment. BMC Cancer, 17, 318.

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David Trafimow, Brian D. Earp, Null hypothesis significance testing and Type I error: The domain problem, New Ideas in Psychology, Volume 45, April 2017, Pages 19-27, ISSN 0732-118X.

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Chapman, S. J., Shelton, B., Maruthappu, M., Singh, P., McCulloch, P. and Bhangu, A. (2017), Cross-sectional observational study of the availability of evidence supporting novel implantable devices used in gastrointestinal surgery. Br J Surg, 104: 734–741. doi:10.1002/bjs.10485

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Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium. Poster 'SDTM vs CDASH: Why You Need Both!'

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